KioWare - Kiosk System Software - User Guides

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KioWare Lite   |   Platform: Android™   |   Version: 3.8

Installation and Requirements

System Requirements

  • Android 4.0 or higher
  • ARM
  • x86-based CPU
  • MIPS

Installation Instructions

  1. Launch the KioWare Lite for Android installer by clicking on the APK file.
  2. Follow the prompts to install.


KioWare Lite for Android includes a provisioning feature that allows certain settings and any embedded resources (images, addins, etc.) to be auto-loaded during installation.  (For more information on embedding and importing resources, see Import/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources.) When a special XML file (named kioware_provision.xml) containing these settings is placed under /sdcard/KioWare_Provision, KioWare Lite for Android will auto-load these settings the first time you run KioWare. It will not attempt provisioning again until you have uninstalled/re-installed or have cleared application data.  Only the following tags containing settings may be included in the XML file, and each tag is optional:

<xmlconfigurl value="[URL]" />
URLEnter the URL of the XML settings (configuration) file, and its settings and any embedded resources will be auto-loaded in the Configuration Tool.  The URL can be a web address, local file path, or Google Drive.

Note: If using Google Drive, use the following tag: <xmlconfigurl value="DriveId:[DriveID]" />.
<EULA value="Agree" />
Note: If you use this setting, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions included in the KioWare Lite for Android EULA.
EULASet to Agree to bypass the End User License Agreement (EULA) when running KioWare Lite for Android for the first time after installation.
<license transaction="[TransNumber]" authorization="[AuthCode]" model="[Model]" limited="[LimitedDate]" />
TransNumberEnter the 8-digit license transaction number.
AuthCodeEnter the authorization code.
ModelEnter the KioWare Lite for Android model: Full, Basic, or Lite (case-sensitive).
LimitedDate(Optional) For time-limited licensing, enter the licensing date (YYYY-MM-DD).
<licenseServer URL="[URL]" passcode="[Passcode]" model="[Model]" />
URLEnter the URL address of the license server, beginning with “http://”.
PasscodeEnter the passcode to log onto the license server.
ModelEnter the KioWare Lite for Android model: Full, Basic, or Lite (case-sensitive).
<adminMode password="[Password]" />
Note: A password is required when using the above tag to enable Administrator mode.
PasswordEnter the password to exit KioWare Lite for Android when Administrator mode is disabled.
<accessibilityService value="[Value]" />
ValueEnter True to enable or False to disable.

Note: KioWare Lite for Android must be uninstalled (or its data cleared) before provisioning will work correctly.  After installing and running KioWare Lite for Android, the kioware_provision.xml file will be auto-removed from the KioWare_Provision folder and will need to be copied there again when performing future installations or upgrades.