Installation and Requirements
System Requirements
Note: It is not recommended to install KioWare for Android on Amazon Fire OS devices (for more details, see Quick Start Guide, Warnings, Amazon Fire OS Device Detected).
- Android 4.0 or higher
- ARM or x86 CPU Architecture
Installation Instructions
- Launch the KioWare for Android installer by clicking on the APK file.
- Follow the prompts to install.
- When installing KioWare for Android for the first time or when uninstalling/clearing all data and reinstalling it, a brief exiting tutorial appears the first time that the browser application is run (see Quick Start Guide, Running KioWare for Android, Exiting Tutorial for more details on this tutorial).
- It is not recommended to install KioWare for Android on Amazon Fire OS devices (for more details, see Quick Start Guide, Warnings, Amazon Fire OS Device Detected).
KioWare for Android includes a provisioning feature that can automatically set device-specific settings as well as supply KioWare with license credentials. This file can be generated automatically or can be set up manually. If you already have a kwsettings.kwapkg or KioWareClientMobileSettings.kwaconfig (for mobile devices) file exported from another device, you can include its location in this file and KioWare will load these settings during provisioning.
- Automatic Generation - Use the Create Provisioning File screen (see General Tab, Create Provisioning File) to enter settings and save them to a new file either on your Google Drive or in your device's local storage.
- Manual Setup - When a special JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file (named kioware_provision.json) containing these settings is placed under /sdcard/KioWare_Provision, KioWare for Android will auto-load these settings the first time you run the Config Tool or KioWare Browser after install. It will not attempt provisioning again until you have uninstalled/re-installed or have cleared application data. Provisioning will not interrupt or cancel any activities that are running on the Android device, but KioWare for Android will automatically restart when provisioning has completed.
Refer to this Sample Provisioning File for more details on how to manually set up your file.
Note: KioWare for Android must first be uninstalled (or its data cleared) before provisioning will work correctly. After installing and running KioWare for Android, the kioware_provision.json file will be auto-removed from the KioWare_Provision folder and will need to be copied there again when performing future installations or upgrades. Automatic checks for the provisioning file occur under two conditions:
- With Launcher Activity - The launcher automatically checks for the provisioning file until either KioWare for Android is licensed or provisioning is manually attempted. If the file is found, then KioWare for Android is launched and provisioning is automatically attempted.
- Each Time the KioWare Browser or Config Tool Runs - A check is made with each run until KioWare for Android is licensed once on the device. If the file is found, then provisioning will be automatically attempted.
KioWare Tags
"xmlconfigurl": "[URL]" |
Note: If using Google Drive, the following tag applies: "xmlconfigurl": "[GOOGLE_DRIVE]::[GoogleDriveID]".
URL | Enter the URL of the settings file, and its settings and any embedded resources will be auto-loaded in the Configuration Tool. The URL can be a remote/local file path or Google Drive ID. (See also Configuration Tool, Import/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources, Importing, URL for entering the URL when using the “Import Settings” button in the top menu bar.) |
"EULA": "[Value]" |
Note: If you use this setting, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions included in the KioWare for Android EULA. |
Value | Set to true to bypass the End User License Agreement (EULA) when running KioWare for Android for the first time after installation. |
"useTimeLimitedLicense": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter true to enable or false to disable. |
"license": { "authorization": "[AuthCode]", "limited": "[LimitedDateTime]", "company": "[CompanyName]", "model": "[Model]", "transaction": "[TransNumber]" } |
AuthCode | Enter the authorization code. |
LimitedDateTime | (Optional) For time-limited licensing, enter the licensing date and time (as MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM). |
CompanyName | Enter the name of the company that is licensing the KioWare product. |
Model | Enter the KioWare for Android model: Full, Basic, or Lite (case-sensitive). |
TransNumber | Enter the electronic license transaction number. |
"useLicenseServer": { "company": "[CompanyName]", "model": "[Model]", "URL": "[URL]", "passcode": "[Passcode]" } |
Note: Set to false to disable this setting. If enabling it, use the attributes below for electronic licensing. |
CompanyName | Enter the name of the company that is licensing the KioWare product. |
Model | Enter the KioWare for Android model: Full, Basic, or Lite (case-sensitive). |
URL | Enter the URL address of the license server, beginning with “https://”. |
Passcode | Enter the passcode to log onto the license server. |
"adminMode": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter true to enable or false to disable KioWare for Android Administrator mode. |
"password": "[Password]" |
Note: Though it was required in earlier versions of KioWare for Android, the password attribute is now optional. If it is not included, then the value attribute needs to exist and be set to true. Also, to clear the device password, include the password attribute and leave it empty. |
Password | Enter the password to exit KioWare for Android when Administrator mode is disabled. |
"accessibilityService": "[Value]" |
Note: Though it was required in earlier versions of KioWare for Android, you no longer need to click the “Back” button when setting the accessibility service via provisioning. |
Value | Enter true to enable or false to disable. |
"serverConfig": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter true to enable or false to disable. If setting to true, use the serverConfigMap tag to set unit, site, and kiosk attributes (see below). |
"serverConfigMap": { "unitname": "[UnitName]", "sitename": "[SiteName]", "kioskname": "[KioskName]" } |
Sets KioWare Server values for Site, kiosk, and unit. During provisioning, KioWare's behavior is based on the presence (or absence) of this tag and how its values are set (see below).
- Tag is not included in the JSON file - KioWare will use default values for the Site, kiosk, and unit.
- Tag is included in the JSON file and all values are specified - KioWare will set the Site, kiosk, and unit names to the specified values.
- Tag is included in the JSON file but not all values are specified - KioWare will set the Site, kiosk, and unit names to any non-empty values that were specified, and then it will prompt the user to enter values for any that were left empty.
Note: This tag can also be set using the Config Tool (see General Tab, Create Provisioning File, Kiosk Management Configuration). For the related substitution variables, see Configuration Tool, Substitution Variables.
UnitName | Enter the KioWare Server unit name. |
SiteName | Enter the KioWare Server Site name. |
KioskName | Enter the KioWare Server kiosk name. |
"showResults": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter true to enable or false to disable. |
"resultsDialogTimeout": "[Value]" |
When provisioning completes, shows a dialog (popup window) in both the KioWare browser and Config Tool that lists all provisioning tasks and indicates if each succeeded or failed. This tag can be omitted if you do not want to use it. |
Value | Enter the number of seconds until the popup automatically hides when Ok is not selected. (Enter -1 to disable, or enter 0 to continue showing the popup until Ok is selected.) |
Device Tags
"rootTest": "[Value]" |
Note: Be sure to check if KioWare is in the device's superuser app list, and if so, the status of its permissions. This affects whether users will be prompted for the root permission at runtime.
- KioWare is in the list and is allowed - The prompt window will not show, but the tablet/root test should still work correctly.
- KioWare is in the list but is not allowed - The prompt window will not show, and the tablet/root test will not work correctly.
- KioWare is not in the list - The prompt window will show.
See also Root Tab for settings related to rooted devices.
Value | Enter true to enable or false to disable. |
"screenTimeoutSeconds": "[Value]" |
Omit this tag if you do not want to use it. Note: You must enter a valid value for the device you are using. Use this tag with caution, as KioWare Support has no means of verifying which values will and will not work with your device.
Value | Enter the number of seconds before the screen times out. |
"screenBrightness": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter a value for the screen brightness (can be from 0 to 255, per the Android documentation). |
"volumeLevels": { "notification": [NotificationVolume], "music": [MusicVolume], "system": [SystemVolume], "voice_call": [VoiceCallVolume], "alarm": [AlarmVolume] } |
Sets various volume levels (in percentages from 0 to 100). You can omit any of the attributes if you do not want to use them.
Note: The meaning of each of these can vary from device to device, so you may need to try several different combinations before finding the results that you want. |
NotificationVolume | Enter the volume for notifications. |
MusicVolume | Enter the volume for playing music. |
SystemVolume | Enter the volume for system sounds. |
VoiceCallVolume | Enter the volume for voice calls. |
AlarmVolume | Enter the volume for the alarm. |
"defaultLauncher": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter true to set the launcher in provisioning (on Android 5.0 and higher). |
"scriptUrl": { "url": "[URL]", "runAfter": "[RunAfter]", "root": "[Root]", "timeOut": "[Timeout]", "waitForResume": "[WaitForResume]" } |
URL | Enter the script location (can be local or remote). |
RunAfter | Set when to run the script. Can be set to enum (use either the number or the string in quotes) or last to append the task to the end. |
Root | Set if shell script specified is to be run as root. Enter true to run as root; enter false or omit to run as non-root. |
Timeout | Enter the number of milliseconds before timeout (defaults to 30000 if omitted). |
WaitForResume | Set if device should wait for the provisioning activity to resume before continuing (useful for installing apk files when you need to launch another activity and wait for it to finish). Enter true to wait; enter false or omit to continue without waiting. |
Wi-Fi Tags
"clearKnownWifiList": "[Value]" |
Clears all currently saved access points from the known list.
Note: If clearKnownWifiList is enabled or any networks are being added (see wifi-ap below), then KioWare for Android automatically ensures that the Wi-Fi radio is enabled. |
Value | Enter true to enable. |
"waitForNetworkSeconds": "[Value]" |
Forces provisioning to wait a specified number of seconds for a network connection before moving on (this occurs after all other Wi-Fi activities are finished, but before all other activity). |
Value | Enter the number of seconds to wait. |
"wifi-ap": [ { "ssid": "MyWifiName", "psk": "Password" } ]" |
Adds a Wi-Fi network to the known list. It can be used multiple times to add more than one known network. |
MyWifiName | Enter the service set identifier (ssid) that identifies your router (optional, if the network is an open network). |
Password | Enter the password to log onto the Wi-Fi network. |
"setWifiState": "[Value]" |
Sets the Wi-Fi state (enabled or disabled). Omit this tag if you do not want to use it. |
Value | Enter true to enable Wi-Fi, or enter false to disable it. |
"setBluetoothState": "[Value]" |
Sets the Bluetooth radio state (enabled or disabled). Omit this tag if you do not want to use it. |
Value | Enter true to enable the Bluetooth radio, or enter false to disable it. |
"usageDataAccess": "[Value]" |
Value | Enter true to enable access to usage data, or enter false to disable it. |