KioWare - Kiosk System Software - User Guides

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KioWare   |   Platform: Windows™   |   Version: 8.38

Configuration Tool

See Related Terms and Questions at the end of this section for more details on user inactivity and attract screens.

Attract/Inactivity Tab

The settings below appear on the main Attract/Inactivity tab.  This tab contains a “Custom Timeouts” button (when selecting “Use Inactivity Timer” in the Inactivity section) that shows the Custom Timeouts window, and a pencil icon (under the Additional Displays section) that shows the Additional Display Attract Screens window.  For details on these windows, see the sections for Custom Timeouts Window and Setting Up Attract Screens for Your Additional Displays that come after these Attract/Inactivity tab settings.

Attract/Inactivity Tab


  • Reset kiosk due to inactivity based on (also called “Inactivity Mode”) - Select the inactivity mode for your kiosk or computer: “Disabled”, “Use Inactivity Timer”, or “Use User Presence Device” (see below for more details on each).

Disabling Inactivity Mode

In the Inactivity section of the tab (see above), set the “Inactivity Mode” to “Disabled” to turn off the Inactivity Timer for your kiosk/computer and any devices being used with it.  The Inactivity section of the tab will look like the image above.

Using Inactivity Timer

Select the “Use Activity Timer” option, and the Inactivity section of the tab will look like the image below.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Activity Timer Settings

  • Number of seconds with no activity until reset occurs (also called “Timer”) - Sets the seconds that the kiosk or computer can be inactive before the user session ends (Attract Screen mode starts; see Related Terms and Questions below for more details on Attract Screen mode).
  • Custom Timeouts - Select this button to set up custom timeout items (see Custom Timeouts Window below).
  • Show Inactivity Warning - If checked, tells KioWare to show a warning at a set number of seconds before the user session ends (Attract Screen mode starts).  Set the number of seconds, and in the box below, enter the message that will show.  If you also want to show “Continue” and “Log Off” buttons on the warning, check the next checkbox.  This tells KioWare not to continue a user session until “Continue” is selected, and if no buttons are selected, KioWare ends the user session when the “Timer” (see above) counts down to zero.

Using User Presence Device

Note: This feature is only available with the Basic and Full models of KioWare.

Select the “Use User Presence Device” option in the “Inactivity Mode” dropdown, and the Inactivity section of the tab will look like the image below.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, User Presence Device Settings

  • User Presence Device - Select the user presence device for your kiosk or computer (“Digi Watchport/D”, “Larco Security Devices (Keyboard)”, or “Larco Security Mat (Serial)”) or select “[Disabled]” to turn off this feature (see below for more details on each setting).
Disabling User Presence Device

When the “Inactivity Mode” is set to “Use User Presence Device” (see above), set the “User Presence Device” to “[Disabled]” to turn off this feature for your kiosk or computer.  The Inactivity section of the tab will look like the image above.

Using Digi Watchport/D

Attract/Inactivity Tab, User Presence Device Settings, Digi WatchPort/D Settings

  • COM Port - This dropdown contains a list of all available communications (COM) ports on the system.  Select the COM port assigned to the Digi Watchport/D device, or you can enter a new one.  If you do not know what COM port is assigned to the device, use Windows Device Manager to find it.
    1. Open the Windows Control Panel.  (In Tile view of Windows 8 and higher, place mouse at the extreme bottom left corner of the screen and, after the tooltip appears, right click to display the hidden context menu.  Select “Control Panel” in this menu.)
    2. Click the “System” icon (“System and Security” icon in Windows 7 and higher).
    3. Click the “Hardware” tab (“Hardware and Sound” link in Windows 7 and higher).
    4. Click the “Device Manager” icon.
  • Sensitivity - Move the slider to set how sensitive the device will be to detecting user presence (requiring a user to be closer or allowing a user to be farther away; use the default setting or a value from 1 to 9).  If the device does not support sensitivity, this control will be disabled.
  • Reset session if user is not detected by presence sensor for [X] consecutive seconds - The amount of time (in seconds) that the presence sensor must continue to not detect any users before KioWare will end the user session.
Using Larco Security Devices (Keyboard)

Set the “User Presence Device” to “Larco Security Devices (Keyboard)”, and the Inactivity section of the tab will look like this.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, User Presence Device Settings, Larco Security Device (Keyboard) Settings

  • Reset session if user is not detected by presence sensor for [X] consecutive seconds - The amount of time (in seconds) that the presence sensor must continue to not detect any users before KioWare will end the user session.

Note: In Larco's SonicGuard application, use these keystrokes in your walk-away and walk-to setups.

Walk-AwayLeft-Shift + Right-Shift + Left-CTL + Right-CTL + F12
Walk-ToLeft-Shift + Right-Shift + Left-CTL + Right-CTL + F11
Using Larco Security Mat (Serial)

Set the “User Presence Device” to “Larco Security Mat (Serial)”, and the Inactivity section of the tab will look like this.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, User Presence Device Settings, Larco Security Mat (Serial) Settings

  • COM Port - This dropdown contains a list of all available communications (COM) ports on the system.  Select the COM port assigned to the Larco security mat, or you can enter a new one.  If you do not know what COM port is assigned to the device, use Windows Device Manager to find it (see Using Digi Watchport/D, COM Port above for details on how to do this).
  • Reset session if user is not detected by presence sensor for [X] consecutive seconds - The amount of time (in seconds) that the presence sensor must continue to not detect any users before KioWare will end the user session.

Time Limited Sessions

  • Turn on time limited sessions - If checked, you can set a time limit for all user sessions occurring on the kiosk or computer.
  • Hours/Minutes/Seconds - (Only available when the above checkbox is checked) Set the maximum amount of time that any user session can last before it automatically ends and logs off the user.

    Note: To show the time remaining in a user session, set up a timed session control on the toolbar (see User Interface Tab, Setting Up Multiple Toolbars, Adding Session Timer Control).  If this control is already set up and you try to uncheck the “Turn on time limited sessions” checkbox, you will see this warning.  Select “Yes” to remove the control from your toolbar and automatically uncheck the checkbox.

    Attract/Inactivity Tab, Time Limited Sessions, Time Limited Sessions warning

Session End Settings

  • When the session ends, clear - Tell KioWare what should be cleared from its browser when each user session ends.
    • Nothing - All cookies, cache, and any user data are kept when a user session ends.
    • Cookies Only - If the “Cookie List” (see below) is blank, all cookies are removed at session end.  If the “Cookie List” is not blank, then cookies are kept/removed (at session end) based on the domain and cookie information entered into the list.
    • All User Data, including Cache and Cookies - Cache, cookies, and all other user data are removed at session end.  Note: All cookies are removed at session end, even if the “Cookie List” is not blank.
  • Cookie List - (Only available when the above dropdown is set to “Cookies Only”) Select this button to view, add, or update a list of cookies (by domain) to be used for matching, and also tell KioWare which cookies will be kept or removed when the user session ends.  Note: If the cookie list is blank, then all cookies will be removed at session end.

    Attract/Inactivity Tab, Setting Up Cookie List

    • Add New Domain - Select this button to add a new domain for matching cookies.  A popup window shows for entering information on cookies in this domain (see “Edit Domain” below for descriptions of these settings).
    • Remove Domain (“X” icon) - Select this icon to delete a domain.
    • Reorder Domain - Select a domain entry and drag it up or down to change its order.
    • Edit Domain (pencil icon) - Select this icon to change a domain.  A popup window tells you if the cookie for this domain will be kept or removed when each user session ends, and what cookie information is being used for matching (see images below).  Enter information for the domain and its cookies. Note: You can apply your settings to one specific cookie in the domain or to all cookies in the domain; see “Name” below.
      • “Preserve this Cookie across Sessions” - Use this slider to tell KioWare if a cookie should be kept or removed when a user session ends.

        When the slider is set to “OFF”, the window looks like this (see image below) and the cookie will be removed when a user session ends.  Note: Before setting the slider to “OFF”, it MUST first be set to “ON” in order to enter all information to be used for matching cookies (see below).

        Attract/Inactivity Tab, Preserve Cookie Disabled

        When the slider is set to “ON”, the window looks like this (see image below).  When you enter information for a cookie, that cookie will be kept when each user session ends.  Note: If the “When the session ends, clear” dropdown (see above) is set to “All User Data, including Cache and Cookies”, all cookies entered on this window will be removed at the end of a user session, even if their slider is set to “ON”.

      • Attract/Inactivity Tab, Cookie Settings

      • Domain - Enter a domain for matching cookies.  Do NOT include beginning protocols (e.g., “http://” or “https://”).
      • Path - Enter the file path or URL to be used for matching cookies.
      • Name - Enter the name of a cookie (in the above domain) that is to be used for matching.  Note: You can enter a cookie name in this box to apply these settings to a single cookie in this domain, or leave this box blank to apply your settings to all cookies in the domain.
      • Value - Enter the value that is to be used for matching cookies.
      • Exact/Regex - Select this icon to set exact matching (“EXACT” label) or matching for a regular expression (“REGX” label). (For more details on regular expressions, see Browser Tab, Related Terms and Questions).
      • Back - When all of the above information is entered, select this button to save your settings and return to the list of domains.
  • Cache List - (Only available when the above dropdown is set to “All User Data, including Cache and Cookies”) Select this button to view, add, or update a list of cache entries (items and directories) to be used for matching, and also tell KioWare which entries will be kept or removed when the user session ends.  Note: If the cache list is blank, then all cache entries will be removed at session end.

    Attract/Inactivity Tab, Setting Up Cache to Keep List

    • Add New Item - Select this button to add a new entry (item or directory in cache) for matching.  A popup window shows for entering the URL or file path.  Set the slider to “ON” for KioWare to preserve an item or directory between user sessions.
    • Remove Item (“X” icon) - Select this icon to delete a cache entry.
    • Reorder Item - Select a cache entry and drag it up or down to change its order.
    • Edit Item - Click in the textbox of a cache entry to change it, and select the slider to toggle it “ON” or “OFF”.
    • Persistent Cache - Tells KioWare that a specific cache directory should not be updated during a user session.  Set the slider to “ON” and in the box below, enter a directory (or use the ellipsis button to select one).
  • Clear Spooler Print Queue - If checked, the Windows print queue for the default printer is cleared when each user session ends, to help prevent documents from printing.
  • Clear Clipboard - If checked, all content that was copied and stored on the Windows Clipboard will be deleted when each user session ends.
  • Reset Volume - If checked, use the slider to set the system volume level that KioWare will return to when each user session ends.
  • Show a Specific URL when a Session Ends (before entering attract mode) for [X] seconds - If checked, you can set the amount of time (in seconds) that KioWare will show a specific URL when the session ends, but before starting Attract Screen mode (see Attract Screen Mode above).  Enter the URL in the box that shows below (in the format of

Attract Screen Mode

There are three attract screen modes: “Disabled”, “Local Folder Contents”, and “Web Page List”.

Disabling Attract Screen Mode

On the Attract/Inactivity tab, select the “Disabled” option to turn off Attract Screen mode.  The Attract Screen Mode section of the tab will look like this.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Disabling Attract Screens

Using Local Folder Contents

Select the “Local Folder Contents” option, and the Attract Screen Mode section of the tab will look like this.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Local Folder Contents

  • Attract Looper Directory - Set the attract looper directory.  You can use either the default attract looper directory or a folder of your choice.  When Attract Screen mode starts, KioWare will automatically loop through the files placed in this folder.  The file types that can be used in the looper are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .mp4, .ogg, .txt, .pdf, .htm, .html, .website, and .url.
    • Select a Directory - In the box, enter the path to the desired folder that will be used to store the attract looper files, or use the ellipsis button to select the folder.  Once a folder is selected, its path will automatically show in the box.  (Note: Substitution variables can be used with this setting; see Configuration Tool, Substitution Variables for more details.)
    • Use Default Directory - Select the “Open Data Folder” button to open the default attract looper directory (found in your user data directory; see Configuration Tool, Related Terms and Questions for details on your user data directory).

    When using either a selected attract looper directory or the default, the folder MUST contain valid file types (see above).  The table below shows the conditions when a selected directory will and will not override the default.

    • Selected DirectoryDirectory Used for Attract Looper
      NoneDefault directory
      Folder Containing Valid File TypesSelected directory (overrides default directory)
      Folder Containing Invalid File TypesDefault directory (ignores selected directory)
      Empty FolderDefault directory (ignores selected directory)
  • Default Screen Delay - Set the default amount of time (in seconds) that each screen in the looper will show before showing the next screen.  If this value is different from the “Default Screen Delay” for attract screens in the web page list (see Web Page List, Default Screen Delay below), then it will override the web page list value.
  • Use the Following Animation Transition - Set how each screen will transition into the next one (fade, zoom, etc.).
  • Animation Transition Time - Set the amount of time (in milliseconds) that it will take each screen to transition to the next.
  • Override Zoom Level during Attract Mode - If checked, instead of using the default zoom level (see Browser Tab, General Browser Settings, Zoom Level), the attract looper will use the zoom percentage entered to the right.

Using Web Page List

Select the “Web Page List” option and these settings show.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Web Page List

  • Continue with Next Screen - If checked, each time KioWare enters Attract Screen mode, it will remember which attract screen was last shown and display the next defined attract screen.  If unchecked, KioWare will always display the first defined attract screen whenever Attract Screen mode is entered.
  • Default Screen Delay (sec) - The default time (in seconds) that an attract screen will be shown before showing the next attract screen.  This is used only when no specific timeouts are set for individual attract screens.  Note: If the attract screen looper is set, its “Default Screen Delay” (see Using Local Folder Contents, Default Screen Delay above) will override this value.
  • Add Attract Screen - Select this button (see image above) and enter the URL or file path for an attract screen.  A list of all attract screens will appear in the pane below.
  • Remove Attract Screen (“X” icon) - Select this icon (see image above) to remove an attract screen.
  • Reorder Attract Screen - Select and drag an attract screen to reorder it.
  • Edit Attract Screen (pencil icon) - Select this icon (see image above) to edit an attract screen.  A popup window shows these settings (see image below):
    • Exit Attract Mode Action - Set how the kiosk or computer will respond to user interaction (pressing keyboard keys, moving a mouse, touching a touch screen, etc.) when this page is showing (options are “Ignore”, “Load Alternate Start Page”, and “Return to Start Page”).
    • Alternate Start Page URL - (Only available when the “Load Alternate Start Page” option is selected; see above) Enter the URL of a file or web page to be used as the “Start Page URL” when this attract screen is displayed (overrides the “Start Page URL” entered on the General Tab and also loads at the start of each new user session; see General Tab, Start Page URL).
    • Override Default Screen Delay Time - To set a custom timeout for the attract screen, check this checkbox and, in the box that shows below, set the number of seconds before the attract screen will time out when the kiosk or computer is inactive.  (This setting will override the “Default Screen Delay” setting above.)

      Attract/Inactivity Tab, Attract Screens, Edit Web Page Attract Entry window

  • Override Zoom Level during Attract Mode - If checked, instead of using the default zoom level (see Browser Tab, General Browser Settings, Zoom Level), the web pages (that are set up as attract screens) will use the zoom percentage entered to the right.

Custom Timeouts Window

This window is shown when you select the “Custom Timeouts” button on the main Attract/Inactivity tab (see Attract/Inactivity Tab above).

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Custom Timeouts Window

Select the “Add Custom Timeout” button and these settings will show.

  • Custom Timeout Item (unlabeled) - Enter the URL or file path for a custom timeout item (program, web page, etc.).
  • CONT - Select this icon to set matching for regular expressions (“REGX” label) or for CONTAINS matching (“CONT” label).
  • Custom Timer - Set the time (in seconds) that a custom timeout item will use to override the default inactivity timer (see Inactivity, Using Inactivity Timer above).
  • Edit - Select any setting above and make changes.  KioWare automatically saves them.
  • Delete (“X” icon) - Select this icon to remove a custom timeout item.

Additional Displays

Note: These settings are only available with the Full and Basic models of KioWare (see above image of main Attract/Inactivity tab).

Note: The above settings are unavailable when the “Enable Main Browser Display Spanning” checkbox is checked (see Advanced Tab, Advanced Settings Tab, Main Browser Multiple Display Spanning).

Setting Up Attract Screens for Your Additional Displays

This screen is shown when you select the pencil icon for an additional display on the main Attract/Inactivity tab (see Attract/Inactivity Tab above).

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Additional Displays screen

  • Additional Display Start Page URL - Home page of your additional display.  Enter a complete URL that begins with a protocol (e.g., “http://” or “file:///”).  If left blank, the default KioWare Welcome screen will display.

  • Note: To show the above setting, you must first uncheck the “Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays” checkbox on the main Attract/Inactivity tab (see Additional Displays, Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays above).

  • Optic Zoom for this Display - Instead of using the default zoom level (see Browser Tab, General Browser Settings, Zoom Level), the additional display will use the zoom percentage entered to the right.

  • Note: To show the above setting, you must first uncheck the “Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays” checkbox on the main Attract/Inactivity tab (see Additional Displays, Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays above).  If this checkbox is checked, the additional display will use the Attract Screen mode zoom level (“Override Zoom Level during Attract Mode” on the main Attract/Inactivity tab), or it will use 100% if no Attract Screen mode zoom level is set.

  • Override Zoom Level in Attract Mode - If checked, instead of using the default additional display zoom level (see “Optic Zoom for this Display” above), the attract screens on this additional display will use the zoom percentage entered to the right.
  • Additional Display Attract Mode - Select the attract screen mode for your additional display: “Disabled”, “Local Folder Contents”, or “Web Page List” (see below for more details on each).

Disabling Additional Display Attract Screens

On the Additional Display screen (see above), set the “Additional Display Attract Mode” to “Disabled” to turn off Attract Screen mode for your additional display.  The tab will look like the image above.

Using Local Folder Contents

Select the “Local Folder Contents” option, and the Additional Display Attract Mode section of the tab will look like the image below.  Open the folder that will be used as the attract looper directory (the “Open Data Folder” button opens the default directory, and the ellipsis button allows you to open a different folder).  Within the attract looper directory, place your files in the folder that is labeled with the same number as your additional display (numbers are listed in the Additional Displays pane on the main Attract/Inactivity tab).  When Attract Screen mode starts, KioWare will automatically loop through all files placed in this folder.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Additional Displays screen for Using Local Folder Contents

  • Attract Looper Directory - Set the attract looper directory.  You can use either the default attract looper directory or a folder of your choice.  When Attract Screen mode starts, KioWare will automatically loop through the files placed in this folder.  The file types that can be used in the looper are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .mp4, .ogg, .txt, .pdf, .htm, .html, .website, and .url.
    • Select a Directory - In the box, enter the path to the desired folder that will be used to store the attract looper files, or use the ellipsis button to select the folder.  Once a folder is selected, its path will automatically show in the box.  (Note: Substitution variables can be used with this setting; see Configuration Tool, Substitution Variables for more details.)
    • Use Default Directory - Select the “Open Data Folder” button to open the default attract looper directory (found in your user data directory; see Configuration Tool, Related Terms and Questions for details on your user data directory).

    When using either a selected attract looper directory or the default, the folder MUST contain valid file types (see above).  For a table showing the conditions when a selected directory will and will not override the default, see Attract Screen Mode, Using Local Folder Contents, Attract Looper Directory above.
  • Default Screen Delay - Set the default amount of time (in seconds) that each screen in the looper will show before showing the next screen.  If this value is different from the “Default Screen Delay” for attract screens in the web page list (see Web Page List, Default Screen Delay below), then it will override the web page list value.
  • Use the Following Animation Transition - Set how each screen will transition into the next one (fade, zoom, etc.).
  • Animation Transition Time - Set the amount of time (in milliseconds) that it will take each screen to transition to the next.

Using Web Page List

Select the “Web Page List” option and these settings show.

Attract/Inactivity Tab, Additional Displays screen for Using Web Page List

  • Continue with Next Screen - If checked, each time KioWare enters Attract Screen mode on the additional display, it will remember which attract screen was last shown and display the next defined attract screen.  If unchecked, KioWare will always display the first defined attract screen whenever Attract Screen mode is entered.  Note: To show this setting, you must first uncheck the “Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays” checkbox (see Additional Displays, Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays above).
  • Default Screen Delay (sec) - The default time (in seconds) that an attract screen will be shown before showing the next attract screen.  This is used only when no specific timeouts are set for individual attract screens.
  • Add Attract Screen - Select this button (see image above) and enter the URL or file path for an attract screen.  A list of all attract screens will appear in the pane below.
  • Remove Attract Screen (“X” icon) - Select this icon (see image above) to remove an attract screen.
  • Reorder Attract Screen - Select and drag an attract screen to reorder it.
  • Edit Attract Screen (pencil icon) - Select this icon (see image above) to edit an attract screen.  A popup window shows these settings (see image below):
    • Exit Attract Mode Action - Set how the kiosk or computer will respond to user interaction (pressing keyboard keys, moving a mouse, touching a touch screen, etc.) when this page is showing (options are “Ignore”, “Load Alternate Start Page”, and “Return to Start Page”).
    • Alternate Start Page URL - (Only available when the “Load Alternate Start Page” option is selected; see above) Enter the URL of a file or web page to be used as the “Start Page URL” when this attract screen is displayed (overrides the “Start Page URL” entered on the General Tab; see General Tab, Start Page URL).
    • Override Default Screen Delay Time - To set a custom timeout for the attract screen, check this checkbox and, in the box that shows below, set the number of seconds before the attract screen will time out when the kiosk or computer is inactive.  (This setting will override the “Default Screen Delay” setting above.)

      Attract/Inactivity Tab, Additional Displays, Edit Web Page Attract Entry window

Related Terms and Questions

If the answers to your questions are not in this table, visit the KioWare website for frequently asked questions (FAQs).

What are the different modes in KioWare?There are two different modes in KioWare: User mode, when KioWare is in use (user session has started), and Attract Screen mode, when KioWare sits idle and will display any attract screens you set up (see below) or behave how you tell it to.
What happens when KioWare sits idle?Setting the “Inactivity Mode” to “User Inactivity Timer”, you can set up an inactivity timer that will end the user session (enter Attract Screen mode) after it is inactive (no users using it) for a set number of seconds.  If you do this and have attract screens set up (see below), these screens will display once the inactivity timer counts down to zero.  If you have any custom timeouts set up (see below), these items will show before the first attract screen.  Or, you can set the “Inactivity Mode” to “Use User Presence Device” to let a connected device sense when user presence is far and start Attract Screen mode.
What is an attract screen?This is any screen, html page, website, application, etc., that you tell KioWare to display once the inactivity timer reaches zero.  Use the “Add Attract Screen” button to set up multiple attract screens and tell KioWare the order to display them and how long to display each.  The ultimate goal of attract screens is to catch the attention of potential users and get them to use the kiosk.
What is the difference between an attract screen's timeout and a custom timeout?An attract screen timeout tells KioWare when to stop showing an attract screen and start showing the next one.  Attract screens only show when the “Timer” (inactivity timer) for the user session counts down to zero.  With custom timeouts, you can tell KioWare to show a web page or run a program after the “Timer” counts down but before any attract screens are shown.  Pages/programs added on the Custom Timeouts window are considered part of the user session, and no attract screens will show until the last custom timeout reaches zero.  In other words, the order that KioWare shows items is:
  1. When KioWare is run, home page (see General Tab, Start Page URL) shows until inactivity timer counts down to zero.
  2. First custom timeout item shows until its timer counts down to zero.
  3. Second custom timeout item shows until its timer counts down to zero, and so on.
  4. When last custom timeout item counts down to zero, the user session ends and Attract Screen mode kicks in.
  5. First attract screen shows until its timer (default or custom) counts down to zero.
  6. Second attract screen shows until its timer (default or custom) counts down to zero, and so on.
What are regular expressions and CONTAINS matching for custom timeouts?The “REGX” and “CONT” labels tell KioWare whether to do regular expression matching or CONTAINS matching on a URL or file path that is entered.  (For definitions of regular expressions and CONTAINS matching, see Browser Tab, Related Terms and Questions.)  Once KioWare finds a URL/file path that matches one entered on the Custom Timeouts window, it will start the timer for that item and count down to zero.
How long will attract screens display?Between 1 and 10,000 seconds.  You can change the “Default Screen Delay”, which tells KioWare to show all attract screens for a set amount of time, and you can also select the pencil icon and use the “Override Default Screen Delay Time” setting to set up custom display times for individual attract screens.
How will an attract screen behave when its display timer counts down to zero?Using the “Exit Attract Mode Action” dropdown, you can tell an attract screen to behave in one of three ways when a user touches the screen, keyboard, or mouse in Attract Screen mode:
  • Return to Start Page - KioWare will display the home page that you set up (see General Tab, Start Page URL).
  • Load Alternate Start Page - KioWare will display the home page entered in the “Alternate Start Page URL” box.
  • Ignore - KioWare will remain in Attract Screen mode, but move to the next attract screen once the attract screen delay counts down to zero.
How can I use attract screens for advertising?The “Ignore” behavior (see above) can be used for advertising.  Each attract screen can be its own advertisement.  If no extra content is associated with the ad, then you can set up the attract screen to do nothing (“Ignore”), and the next attract screen (i.e., advertisement) will be shown once the attract screen delay time reaches zero.
How can I change the order of attract screens?Select any attract screen in the Attract Screens pane and drag it up or down to reorder.
I want to automatically loop through many images that are in the same folder.Set the “Attract Screen Mode” to “Local Folder Contents”.  Use the “Open Data Folder” button to open your attract looper directory (found in your user data directory; see Configuration Tool, Related Terms and Questions for details on your user data directory).  When Attract Screen mode starts, KioWare will automatically loop through all files placed in this folder.  For additional display attract screens, select the pencil icon on the main Attract/Inactivity tab, set the “Additional Display Attract Mode” to “Local Folder Contents”, and select the “Open Data Folder” button.  Within the attract looper directory, place files in the folder labeled with the number of your additional display (numbers are listed in the Additional Displays pane on the main Attract/Inactivity tab).  Use the “Default Screen Delay” box to set the default number of seconds that each screen in the looper will show.  In the “Use the following Animation Transition” dropdown, choose how each screen will transition into the next one (fade, zoom, etc.) and set the number of seconds for the transitions in the “Animation Transition Time” box.  Also, you can use the “Override Zoom Level during Attract Mode” setting if you want screens in the looper to show at a different zoom percentage than the attract screens you set up under the Web Page List (see above).
I want to use attract screens for advertising and show each screen the same number of times.  How can I be sure that each time a user session ends, KioWare picks up where it left off and does not start over with the first attract screen?Checking the “Continue with Next Screen” checkbox helps KioWare to always remember the last attract screen that was displayed.  When the next user session ends (Attract Screen mode kicks in), KioWare can then start where it last stopped, ensuring that all attract screens are displayed an equal number of times.  Note: When this checkbox is not checked, KioWare's default behavior is to start with the first defined attract screen each time it enters Attract Screen mode.
All but one of my attract screens need to be shown for the same amount of time.  How do I set a custom timeout for one screen only?You can set the “Default Screen Delay” for all attract screens. Then, add the attract screen that you want to show for a different time, select the pencil icon, and set the timeout for just that screen by checking the “Override Default Screen Delay Time” box and setting the seconds in the box below.
Can I use a video as an attract screen?Yes, using the “Add Attract Screen” button, you can add a video file as an attract screen.  You can also add an HTML page that contains a video file.  Note: When a video file is used as an attract screen, it may take some time to load before it starts to play.  You may need to select the pencil icon and make the video's “Override Default Screen Delay Time” longer to account for load time.
I set my attract screen to a file stored on the computer that is running KioWare, but it is not showing when my co-workers run it.Be sure the person(s) running KioWare have permissions to access the file.  Right click the file, select “Properties”, and “Security” tab.  Be sure the permissions are set to “Everyone”.
I set up two monitors to run with KioWare: a touchscreen to be the user interface and an LCD screen to display pages based on input to the touchscreen.  I am using JavaScript to change the URL that the second monitor displays, so why am I seeing errors?For the dynamic setting of second monitor URLs to work, you must have at least one attract screen set up on the second monitor.  Use the “Add New Display” button to let KioWare know that you have an additional monitor connected to your kiosk or computer, and then select the pencil icon to set up attract screens for that monitor.
I need help with custom designs of attract screens.For help with custom attract screens, contact KioWare via phone (Toll Free USA: 877-843-4790; International: 1-717-843-4790) or our website (  Also visit the Custom Development section of the KioWare website for more details on KioWare's custom development.
What are additional displays?They are other monitors, touchscreens, LDC screens, etc., that are connected to the kiosk or computer that is running KioWare.  KioWare allows an unlimited number of additional displays to be used, and each display can show its own attract screens.  Use the “Add New Display” button to tell KioWare that you are adding new displays to your kiosk or computer.  Then use the pencil icon to set up attract screens for each display.
What happens when the “Disable User Interaction on Additional Displays” checkbox is unchecked?When this checkbox is unchecked, pressing keys and touching a touchscreen actually do things on an additional display, and a few other things are also done for each additional display you set up:
  • Settings reset when booting your kiosk or computer (just like with the main display).
  • Browsers reset whenever a user session ends (Attract Screen mode starts).
  • When in Attract Screen mode, an attract screen list will loop, and will stop when there is an active session.
  • If the “Continue with Next Screen” checkbox is checked for an additional display, KioWare remembers which attract screen was last shown and displays the next defined attract screen the next time Attract Screen mode starts.
  • A virtual keyboard shows on each additional display whenever you place mouse cursor in (or touch if using a touchscreen) an entry box (see User Interface Tab, Virtual Keyboard for more details on virtual keyboards).
  • The additional display number is logged to Event Logs with all of the normal statistics (see Browser Tab, Related Terms and Questions for more details on Event Logs).
What are cookies and where do they come from?They are small text files (.txt files) that contain information about users of a specific website, such as pages you visit, custom colors you set, any information you enter (e.g., name and address), any purchases you make, any payment information (e.g., credit card number) you enter, and even your geographic location.  Cookies are created by web servers.  When you visit a web site, the web server for that site sends a cookie to your computer.  Since web servers cannot “remember” information about users, they rely on both cookies to store that information and users' web browsers to send the cookies to them.  Then, the next time you visit that same website, a cookie tells the web server to do things such as showing your custom page layouts, showing items you previously placed in a shopping cart, etc.  If you prefer that cookies do not send information on you to web servers, use the “Cookies Only” or “All User Data, including Cache and Cookies” option in the “When the session ends, clear” dropdown to tell KioWare to delete all cookies from your kiosk after each user session ends.
Are cookies harmful to my kiosk and can I delete them?Generally, most are not harmful.  They are text files, not computer programs, and so they do not complete any actions.  Most cookies have a unique ID number that lets them only store or track information relating to a specific website, and does not let any other website/web server read them.  However, some cookies may stay on a computer for years and track a user's web usage and preferences over a long period of time, and spyware cookies are sometimes sent to a computer to secretly “spy” on that computer while it is being used, which makes some users question if their privacy is being invaded.  If you have any concerns about privacy while running KioWare, you can set the “When the session ends, clear” dropdown to “Cookies Only” or “All User Data, including Cache and Cookies”, to tell KioWare to delete all cookies from your kiosk after each user session ends.
How can I set KioWare to remove some cookies at session end but keep others?In the “When the session ends, clear” dropdown, select “Cookies Only” to show the “Cookie List” button.  Selecting this button shows a popup window that lists the domains to be used for matching cookies (KioWare compares cookies to the information in this list and when it finds a “match”, it will keep or remove the cookie at session end based on your settings).  Use the “Add New Domain” button for entering domain and cookie information to use for matching.  Select each “Exact/Regex” icon to specify if matching should be exact or based on a regular expression (see Browser Tab, Related Terms and Questions for more details on regular expressions).  After the information is entered, use the top slider to tell KioWare how to handle the cookie on session end.  When set to “OFF”, the cookie will be removed at session end; when set to “ON”, the cookie will be kept.
At session end, I want to automatically remove all cookies for a specific domain.Select the “Cookie List” button followed by the “Add New Domain” button (see above).  Enter the domain to be used for matching (see above), but leave the “Name” box blank.  This will tell KioWare to match by domain only, which will apply your settings to all cookies in that domain.
I added cookies to the cookie list and set them to be kept at session end.  Why are they still being removed?If the “When the session ends, clear” dropdown is set to “All User Data, including Cache and Cookies”, then all cookies will be removed at session end – even cookies that were entered into the cookie list.  Be sure to set this dropdown to “Cookies Only” to keep/remove cookies based on what is entered into the cookie list.
What is a spooler print queue?SPOOL (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations Online) is an area of physical memory storage that temporarily holds data while it is being sent from one place to another.  With print spooling, an application sends data (in this case, whatever you print) to a print queue (a running list of all print jobs sent to the printer), where it is held until the printer is available to print it.  This frees up the application so it can be used for something else until the printer is ready to complete the print job.  In KioWare, if the “Clear Spooler Print Queue” checkbox is checked, anything that is still in the print queue when a user session ends will be automatically deleted and not printed.  Note: This checkbox will clear the print queue, but anything already in the printer's memory will not be cleared when the user session ends.