KioWare - Kiosk System Software - User Guides

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KioWare   |   Platform: Windows™   |   Version: 8.38

Configuration Tool

See Related Terms and Questions at the end of this section for more details on browser settings.

Browser Tab

The settings below appear on the main Browser tab.  This tab contains a “Popup ACL” button that shows the Popup Access List Configuration screen.  For details on this screen, see the Popup Access List Configuration Screen section that comes after these Browser tab settings.

Browser Tab

Popup/Tab Settings

  • Popup Mode (unlabeled) - Select the popup mode.
    • Disabled - KioWare blocks all popups (except for popups created by KioWare).
    • Use Popups and Tabs - Popups can open in a new window or new tab within KioWare.
    • Always Open in New Tab - Popups are forced to always open in a new tab within KioWare.
    • Always Open in New Window - Popups are forced to always open in a new window within KioWare.
  • Max Popups/Additional Tabs Open - Sets how many popups (windows or tabs) can be opened from a single website (max. is 50; does not include main browser window/original tab or tabs for additional start pages; see General Tab, Start Page URL, Additional Start Pages).

    Note: Tabs must be enabled in the above setting in order to set up additional start pages (see General Tab, Start Page URL, Add Another Start Page URL).  If disabling tabs when additional start pages are already set up, a popup window warns that all additional start pages will be removed if you continue.  Selecting “Yes” removes all start pages except for the main one (see “Start Page URL” setting under General Tab, Start Page URL).

  • Tab Height - Sets the height for each browser tab (default height is 35; with any value less than this, tabs may not be visible or usable).
  • Popup ACL - Select this button to set the access list for popups (see Popup Access List Configuration below).
  • Tab Styles - Select this button to set colors and fonts for tabs (the top tabs that you select to change windows, not the actual browser windows).  The Tab Styles window shows these settings for both active and inactive tabs.  In each color dropdown, either Hex or RGB colors can be set, and the bottom slider (labeled “A”) sets the opacity/transparency of the color.
    • Foreground Text Color - Sets the color of text in all tabs.
    • Font - Sets the font of text in all tabs.  Select the box to the right, and a standard Font selection window shows.
    • Tab Background - Sets the background color for all tabs.
      • Solid - Select this option to set a solid color for all tab backgrounds.
      • Gradient - Select this option to set a color gradient (starts at one color and transitions to another) for all tab backgrounds.  Then use the dropdowns to the right to set the start and end colors.
      • Angle - Sets the angle that the start color transitions to the end color.
    • Tab Top Border - Sets the color of the top border for all tabs.
      • Solid - Select this option to set a solid color for the top border of all tabs.
      • Gradient - Select this option to set a color gradient (starts at one color and transitions to another) for the top border of all tabs.  Then use the dropdowns to the right to set the start and end colors.
      • Angle - Sets the angle that the start color transitions to the end color.

General Browser Settings

  • Log Script Errors - If checked, KioWare logs the contents of the script error to the Windows Application Event Log.
  • Ignore SSL Errors - If checked, KioWare ignores Secure Socket Layer (SSL) errors in the browser.
  • Zoom Level - Sets the default zoom level when starting the KioWare browser.
  • Disable Pinch Zoom - If checked, you cannot use pinch zoom on a touchscreen that is connected to your kiosk/computer running KioWare.
  • Media Capture Options - If your web page is set up for file input and image capture, select this button to set up the camera to run with KioWare and customize the window (see Media Capture Options below).
  • On Page Load Error - Select an option for handling any errors that occur when loading pages in the KioWare browser.
    • Show error page - Shows the built-in KioWare error page.
    • Do nothing - Shows the server-supplied error page (but if none exists, then no error page shows).
    • If no content, show error page - Shows the server-supplied error page (but if none exists, then the built-in KioWare error page shows).
    • Show a simple message - Shows a “Could not load page.” message and the error code.
  • Additional User Agent Data - Sets additional text to be added to the user agent text.

Printing Settings

  • Disable Javascript Printing - If checked, KioWare stops any JavaScript print commands from being used.
  • Print Without Showing Printer-Selection Dialog - If checked, KioWare sends the print job directly to the printer and does not show a Print window with additional printer settings.  Note: This setting can only be used when the “Disable Javascript Printing” checkbox is unchecked (see above).
  • Confirm Before Printing - If checked, enter a message in the next box.  That message displays on a popup whenever you use a “Print” button from a KioWare toolbar.  It appears before the print job is sent to the printer and gives the option of continuing or cancelling.
  • Show Print Notification - If checked, enter a message in the next box.  That message displays on a popup whenever you use a “Print” button from a KioWare toolbar.  It appears after the print job has been sent to the printer.
  • Limit Prints per Session to [X] prints - Set the maximum number of print jobs allowed in a single user session (max. = 9999).
  • Override Default Message when Count Exceeded - If checked, the message entered in the box to the right will override KioWare's default (built-in) message when the print maximum is reached.

Automatic Actions

  • Auto Actions - For a specific URL, perform an automatic action based on the type of match (CONTAINS, exact, regular expression, etc.) and specific timing (see Set Auto Actions below).

Browser Languages

  • Select - Use this button to tell KioWare which languages you want its browser to be able to use when displaying web pages (this will override your site's current browser accept language list).  On the window that shows, select a language from the bottom left dropdown and then select the “Add Language” button.  Do this for each language you want to use.  All languages selected will appear in the list above.  Select and drag a language entry to change its order of priority (topmost one receives top priority).  To remove an entry from the list, select the “X” button.

Geolocation Mode

There are four geolocation settings: “Disabled”, “Fixed Location”, “Google Maps API”, and “Windows Geolocation”.

Disabling Geolocation Mode

On the Browser tab, select the “Disabled” option to turn off Geolocation mode.  The Geolocation Mode section of the tab will look like this.

Browser Tab, Geolocation Mode Disabled

Using A Fixed Location

Select the “Fixed Location” option and these settings show.

Browser Tab, Geolocation Mode, Fixed LocationSettings

  • Latitude - Enter the latitude coordinate for a specific geographic location.
  • Longitude - Enter the longitude coordinate for that same location.
  • Accuracy - Set the accuracy level for the latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • Altitude - (optional) Check this box and enter the altitude coordinate.
  • Alt. Accuracy - (optional) Check this box and set the accuracy level for the altitude coordinate.

Using Google Maps API

Select the “Google Maps API” option and these settings show.

Browser Tab, Geolocation Mode, Google Maps API Settings

  • Client Id - Enter your Google Client ID.
  • Client Secret - Enter your Google Client Secret.
  • API Key - Enter your Google API key.

Using Windows Geolocation

See also Devices Tab, Monitored Devices, Geolocation and Advanced Tab, Advanced Settings Tab, Static Location for setting up the Geolocation device and using static location input.

Select the “Windows Geolocation” option, and the Geolocation Mode section of the tab will look like this.  Geolocation will then be available to your browser via Windows Geolocation Services.  Note: To use this feature, your device must be running Windows 10 or higher, and the “Allow apps to access your location” must be enabled in your Windows settings.

Browser Tab, Geolocation Mode, Windows Geolocation Settings

Popup Access List Configuration Screen

This screen is shown when you select the “Popup ACL” button on the main Browser tab (see Browser Tab above).

Popup Access List Configuration

Set Up Your Access List

Select the “New Domain” button to add a new domain and any related pages to the popup access list.  These settings will show (see image above).

  • Domain Name (unlabeled) - Enter the new domain.  Do NOT include beginning protocols (e.g., “http://” or “https://”).
  • CONT - Select this icon to set matching for regular expressions (“REGX” label) or for CONTAINS matching (“CONT” label).
  • Add Page - Select this button to add a new web page to the domain.
    • Page Name (unlabeled) - Enter the new web page for the domain.
    • Page Handling (unlabeled) - Select the arrow to the right of this button and choose how popups from this web page should be handled: allowed, blocked, or flattened (opened in the currently displayed tab).  Pages with blocked popups show a red icon to the left, and pages with popups that are allowed or flattened entries show a green icon.
    • CONT - Select this icon to set matching for regular expressions (“REGX” label) or for CONTAINS matching (“CONT” label).
  • All Pages and All Other Pages - Select the arrow to the right of these buttons and choose how to handle popups from an entire domain or from web pages that are not added under a domain: allowed, blocked, or flattened (opened in the currently displayed tab).  The button will be labeled “All Pages Block” if no pages are added to a domain, and will appear as “All Other Pages Block” when web pages are added.
  • Everything Else - Select the arrow to the right of this button and choose how popups should be handled for all other domains and web pages that are not in your popup access list: allowed, blocked, or flattened (opened in the currently displayed tab).

Change Your List

On the Popup Access List Configuration screen (see image above), select any textbox or dropdown menu and make changes.  KioWare will automatically save your changes.

Remove Domains/Pages In Your List

“X” icons appear to the right of domain and page entries (see image above).  Select any “X” icon to remove a domain or web page.  Icons to the far right are for domains, and indented icons are for pages.  Note: Removing an entire domain will also remove settings for all pages within that domain.

Messages and Logs for Blocked Popups

Select the “Restriction Messages” button (see image above) to set options for popup blocking and creating Event Logs.  These settings will show.

  • Log Blocked Matches - If checked, any attempts to visit domains or web pages that you told KioWare to block popups from (see above) will create Windows Application Event Logs.
  • Do NOT Block - If checked, KioWare will not block popups from any domains or web pages, regardless if you told KioWare to block them (see above).  Note: This setting gives you the lowest amount of security for popups and should only be used for testing purposes.
  • Show Block Message - If checked, enter a block message in the box below.  Any attempts to visit domains or web pages that you told KioWare to block popups from (see above) will show this message, to alert users that popup blocking has occurred.
  • Show URL in Block Message - If checked, the web address of the blocked domain or web page that you tried to visit will appear below the block message.

Media Capture Options

Selecting this button shows a slider.  If set to the “On” position and your web page has both a file input element with an accept type of image/* and the capture attribute set, then KioWare will attempt to use a camera to capture an image for the file input element.  When turned on, three tabs show: Camera Options, Windows Text, and Appearance and Colors (see specific sections below for details on each tab).

Camera Options Tab

When the Camera Options tab is selected, the screen looks like this.

Media Capture Options, Camera Options Tab

  • Default Camera - Select the camera to be used for taking photos or video (system default, rear-facing, or front-facing).
  • Allow User to Select a Different Camera - If checked, a camera other than the three listed above can be selected for use.
  • Default Device (RegEx) - If “System Default” is selected as the default camera (see above), a regular expression entered in this box tells KioWare which device to use by default.  Note: If anything other than “System Default” is selected as the default camera, KioWare will ignore this box.

Windows Text Tab

When the Windows Text tab is selected, the screen looks like this.

Media Capture Options, Windows Text Tab

  • Window Title - Set the text to show as the title of the media capture window.
  • Initializing Message - Set the text to show when the media capture window is initializing.
  • Action Button Text - Set the text of all action buttons on the media capture window.
    • Capture Button - Set the text label of the “Capture” button.
    • Accept Button - Set the text label of the “Accept” button.
    • Retry Button - Set the text label of the “Retry” button.
    • Cancel Button - Set the text label of the “Cancel” button.

Appearance and Colors Tab

When the Appearance and Colors tab is selected, the screen looks like this.

Media Capture Options, Appearance and Colors Tab

  • Window Size - Set a custom size for the media capture window.  Use the dropdowns to the right of the “Width” and “Height” settings to select the unit of measurement (pixels or percentage of your screen).
    • Width - Set the width and unit of the media capture window.
    • Height - Set the height and unit of the media capture window.
  • Window Colors - Set custom colors for the media capture window and any text shown on it.  In the color dropdowns, either Hex or RGB colors can be set, and the bottom slider (labeled “A”) sets the opacity/transparency of the color.
    • Text Color - Set the color of all text on the media capture window.
    • Background Color - Set the color of the media capture window and any buttons on it.

Set Auto Actions

Browser Tab, Auto Actions, List of Auto Actions Set Up

  • Add Auto Action Entry - Select this button (see image above) to add a new entry.  A popup window displays the automatic action settings (see “Edit Automatic Action” below for descriptions of these settings).
  • Remove Auto Action Entry - Select the “X” icon (see image above) to remove an automatic action
  • Edit Auto Action Entry - Select the pencil icon (see image above) to edit an automatic action.  A popup window displays the current settings (see image below).

    Browser Tab, Auto Actions, Edit Auto Action

    • URL to Match - Enter the URL that, when matched, will prompt the automatic action set in the “Action for this Item” section below.
    • Match Type (unlabeled) - Select how to match the URL entered above.
      • Exact - Matches exactly to the URL entered above.
      • Contains - Matches to any URL that contains the URL entered above.
      • Begins With - Matches to any URL that begins with the URL entered above.
      • Ends With - Matches to any URL that ends with the URL entered above.
      • Regex - Matches as a regular expression to the URL entered above.
    • Action Timing - (Only available if the “Do Nothing” or “Redirect to” option below is not selected) Specify when the action (as set under “Action for this Item” below) will occur if the URL (see “URL to Match” above) is matched.
      • Inactive (Not Used) - Does not set a specific time for the action to occur.
      • Before Navigate - The action occurs before navigation to the URL is attempted.
      • Load Start - The action occurs when the web page associated with the URL begins to load.
      • Document Ready - The action occurs when the web page associated with the URL has loaded, but images, cascading style sheets, iframes, scripts, and any other items used in the page are not completely loaded.
      • Load Complete - The action occurs when the web page associated with the URL has completely loaded (i.e., when the web page and all images, cascading style sheets, iframes, scripts, and any other items used in the page are completely loaded).
      • Load Error - The action occurs when the web page associated with the URL has an error while loading.
      • Selected Node Changed - The action occurs when the node (device or data point that is on a network and has an IP address) has changed.
      • Certificate Error - The action occurs when the page associated with the URL has a certificate error while loading.
    • Action for this Item - Set the action to occur when the URL (see “URL to Match” above) is matched.
      • Do Nothing - If selected, no action occurs.
      • Redirect to - If selected, the URL redirects to any URL entered in the box to the right.
      • Auto-Login to a web page - If selected, KioWare automatically logs into a web form using the login information that you set (see settings below).
        • Username - Set the username information for logging into the form.
          • Value - Enter the username to be used when logging into the form.
          • Target Using - Select the username item to be used when logging into the form.
            • Inactive (Not Used) - If selected, no username item will be used.
            • Element ID - If selected, the username element ID will be used.  Enter the element ID in the box to the right.
            • Element Name - If selected, the username element name will be used.  Enter the element name in the box to the right.
            • Element Class - If selected, the username element class will be used.  Enter the element class in the box to the right.
        • Password - Set the password information for logging into the form.
          • Value - Enter the password to be used when logging into the form.
          • Target Using - Select the password item to be used when logging into the form.
            • Inactive (Not Used) - If selected, no password item will be used.
            • Element ID - If selected, the password element ID will be used.  Enter the element ID in the box to the right.
            • Element Name - If selected, the password element name will be used.  Enter the element name in the box to the right.
            • Element Class - If selected, the password element class will be used.  Enter the element class in the box to the right.
        • Submit Button - Set how the form will be submitted.
          • Inactive (Not Used) - If selected, no submit button item will be used.
          • Element Match - Select this option to submit the form by an element match.  In the dropdown that shows to the right, select the element to be used for matching.
            • Inactive (Not Used) - If selected, no element item will be used.
            • Element ID - If selected, the submit button element ID will be used.  Enter the element ID in the box to the right.
            • Element Name - If selected, the submit button element name will be used.  Enter the element name in the box to the right.
            • Element Class - If selected, the submit button element class will be used.  Enter the element class in the box to the right.
          • Web Form - Select this option to submit the form by its index.  The “Form Index” setting will show.
            • Form Index - (Only available when the “Submit Button” option above is set to “Web Form”) Set the value of the form index.
      • Perform this Action - If selected, choose an action (see table below) from the dropdown list to the right.

        • ActionDescription
          BackMoves back one page or screen in the browser
          Begin/Renew SessionBegins or refreshes the KioWare user session
          CopyCopies from the currently displayed page or screen
          CutCuts from the currently displayed page or screen
          Exit KioWareExits KioWare
          ForwardMoves forward one page or screen in the browser
          HomeReturns to the Start Page (see General Tab, Start Page URL)
          Log OffEnds the current KioWare user session
          NoneSets up a placeholder on the toolbar that can include an image and label but does nothing if selected
          PastePastes on the currently displayed page or screen
          PrintPrints from the currently displayed page or screen
          RefreshReloads the currently displayed page or screen
          Scroll DownScrolls down one line
          Scroll LeftScrolls left for a set number of characters
          Scroll RightScrolls right for a set number of characters
          Scroll UpScrolls up one line
          Show Exit PromptShows the Exit popup window
          StopStops an action (e.g., loading a page) that is in progress
          Toggle KeyboardShows/hides the virtual keyboard (see User Interface Tab, Virtual Keyboard)
          Volume DownDecreases the system volume
          Volume UpIncreases the system volume
          Zoom InIncreases the zoom percentage
          Zoom OutDecreases the zoom percentage
      • Play Audio File - When selected and both a file path and element ID for the audio file are entered in the boxes that show, KioWare will play the audio file.  (When using the ellipsis button at the right to find and select a file, the file path will show in the top box.)
      • Execute this JavaScript in the Current Browser - If selected, enter in the box below the JavaScript commands to be run from the current browser window when the URL (see “URL to Match” above) is matched.
      • Execute this JavaScript in All Toolbars - If selected, enter in the box below the JavaScript commands to be run from all toolbars when the URL (see “URL to Match” above) is matched.
      • Execute this JavaScript in the Main Toolbar - If selected, enter in the box below the JavaScript commands to be run from the main toolbar when the URL (see “URL to Match” above) is matched.

Related Terms and Questions

If the answers to your questions are not in this table, visit the KioWare website for frequently asked questions (FAQs).

What is a browser tab?Just as you can open multiple tabs in a browser such as Google Chrome, in KioWare, you can have multiple tabs within a single browser window.  By setting the “Popup Mode” to “Always Open in New Tab” and setting the “Max Popups/Tabs Open”, each new popup (see below) will show in a new browser tab.  At the top of the browser window, you will see a line of tab images (that look a bit like file folder tabs).  These are your browser tabs.  Select a tab to show the content of its popup.  Set the “Tab Height” to show these tabs at a specific size (must be at least 35 to be visible and usable).
Can I customize browser tabs?Use the “Tab Styles” button to customize your tabs.  This lets you set text color, font, color of tab backgrounds, and color of the top tab borders, as well as color gradients (start color transitions to another).  You can also customize the image of the “Close” button on tabs.  Save your custom image as CloseTab.png and place it in the user data directory (see Configuration Tool, Related Terms and Questions for details on the user data directory).  That image will show on all browser tabs.
KioWare shows a page that says the website attempted to close the browser.This is the Browser Closed page that shows when a website tries to close the KioWare browser.  By default, you will be returned to your start page in 10 seconds (see General Tab, Start Page URL).  Select the “Go to Start Page” button to return to your start page now, or choose the “End Session” button to log off and end the user session.  The Browser Closed page can also be customized (see below).
Can I customize the Browser Closed page?Yes, it is an HTML file that can be customized.  See Configuration Tool, Customizing Warning and Other Pages for details on locating and customizing this file.
KioWare shows a page that says a web page is temporarily down.This is the Navigation Error page that shows when a website you are trying to access is temporarily down (due to updates being made to the page, server maintenance, web page redirection that failed, etc.).  The “Status Code” will show the specific error code (404 Page Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, etc.), and under “Page Requested”, you will see the URL of the page you tried to access (so you can verify that this is the correct page).  By default, KioWare will try to load the web page every 60 seconds.  Select the “Go to Start Page” button to return to your start page now, or choose the “Go Back” button to show the prior page.
Can I customize the Navigation Error page?Yes, it is an HTML file that can be customized.  See Configuration Tool, Customizing Warning and Other Pages for details on locating and customizing this file.
KioWare shows a page that says the renderer has crashed.This is the Renderer Crash page that shows when KioWare's browser renderer stops working and cannot show the web page you are trying to access.  By default, you will be returned to your start page in 10 seconds (see General Tab, Start Page URL).  Select the “Go to Start Page” button to return to your start page now, or choose the “End Session” button to log off and end the user session.   The Renderer Crash page can also be customized (see below).
Can I customize the Renderer Crash page?Yes, it is an HTML file that can be customized.  See Configuration Tool, Customizing Warning and Other Pages for details on locating and customizing this file.
What is a popup?It is a smaller window that suddenly appears overtop of your main window.  Popups typically contain ads, messages for users, or information about an area of a website that you placed your mouse on.  They are generally created by websites.  Use the “Page Handling”, “All Pages”, “All Other Pages”, and “Everything Else” settings on the Popup Access List Configuration screen to tell KioWare to allow, block, or flatten (open in the currently displayed tab) popups from specific domains and web pages.  The options in the “Popup Mode” dropdown on the main Browser tab can also be used to tell KioWare how to handle all popups or to disable them all.
Can popups be blocked in KioWare?Yes, by selecting the “Disabled” option in the “Popup Mode” dropdown.  They can also be opened in new browser tabs so they do not interrupt your main window (select the “Always Open in New Tab” option).  A popup access list can also be set up for blocking some but not all popups (see below).
When I set the Popup Mode to “Use Popups and Tabs”, how does KioWare know when to use a popup or a tab?JavaScript (see below) is used to open popups, and the JavaScript code may or may not tell KioWare what size the popup window should be (typically, it will not).  When it does not, KioWare opens a new browser tab.  If the JavaScript does indicate a size, then KioWare opens a new window of that size.
What is a popup access list?It is a list that tells KioWare which web pages should be allowed to show popups and which web pages should have their popups blocked or flattened (opened in the currently displayed tab) when the KioWare browser is running.  Using the “Popup ACL” button, you can block, flatten, or allow popups from all pages in a domain (root of a website, such as  Popups from specific pages within a domain (e.g., can also be blocked, flattened, or allowed.  Remember that when adding domains, you should not include protocols at the beginning (e.g., “http://” and “https://”).
I set the max. popups/tabs to 5, so why are 6 showing?When you set the “Max Popups/Additional Tabs Open” setting to 5, this actually means that you can open 5 popups/tabs in addition to the main browser window or original tab.  If you want a maximum of 5 popups/tabs to be allowed, then change the setting to 4.  By doing this, the main browser window (or original tab) shows and up to 4 other windows (or tabs) can also show, making a maximum of 5.
What is a regular expression?It is a string (sequence of characters) that tells a computer program what patterns to look for (typically when doing searches) and what to do if these patterns are found.  The program will then look for patterns that match what is in the string and complete the action the string tells it to.  In KioWare's popup access list, domains and web pages set to “REGX” are treated as regular expressions within KioWare.  Each domain or web page you attempt to visit in the KioWare browser is compared to those in the popup access list, and when an exact match is found, KioWare will allow or block popups from that domain/web page based on your settings.  (See also Security Tab, Related Terms and Questions for details on regular expressions in mime type matching.)
What is CONTAINS matching?Unlike matching on a regular expression (see above) where a computer program looks for an exact pattern of characters, CONTAINS matching tells a computer program to check only if certain characters are contained in the items being searched.  Though other characters may appear before or after, as long as these certain characters are there, the computer program considers it a match and will complete the action you specify.  In KioWare's popup access list, domains and web pages set to “CONT” tell KioWare to do CONTAINS matching.  This means that if a domain or web page you try to open in the KioWare browser contains the characters of a domain or web page you entered in the popup access list, KioWare will consider this a match and will allow or block popups from that domain/web page based on your settings.
How can I change the order of entries in the popup access list?Select any entry and drag it up or down to reorder.
What is a script error?It is an error that occurs because the HTML code for a web page does not work correctly with Microsoft JavaScript (see below).  There are various reasons why script errors occur, such as problems with antivirus software, Internet-related folders, video card drivers, or settings for Active scripting, ActiveX controls, or Java programs, but many times the cause is a website's source code.  The “Log Script Errors” setting is used to tell KioWare if it should or should not create an Event Log (see below) whenever a script error occurs.
What is JavaScript?It is one of the world's most popular programming languages, used in servers, hardware controls, and web applications.  Typically, it is used to add animated features, automation of processes, and user interactivity to web pages.  JavaScript commands can be used to print from KioWare.  The “Disable Javascript Printing” setting is used to tell KioWare if it should block or allow printing via JavaScript.  If allowed, the “Print Without Showing Printer-Selection Dialog” setting then tells KioWare if it should show a window for selecting your printer and printer preferences, or print directly without showing it.  (For other JavaScript commands that can be used with KioWare, see Scripting.)
What is an SSL error?Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a type of security software.  It runs on both your computer and the computer that is hosting a website you visit.  SSL encrypts any data that is passed between your computer and the web site and ensures that a secure connection is made between the two.  When the connection is not completely secure, an SSL error appears.  The “Ignore SSL Errors” checkbox is used to tell KioWare if it should or should not ignore all SSL errors in its browser.  (For details on SSL and telling KioWare to automatically use authentication when importing remote settings files, see General Tab, Remote Authentication Settings, Server SSL Options.  For details on SSL errors related to a connection with KioWare Server, see Kiosk Management Tab, Advanced Server Settings, Server SSL Options.)
I want to connect a server to KioWare.  Can SSL be used?Yes, SSL can be used for both server communication and for content downloads (if using the KioWare Server content updating feature that pushes content from the server to all connected kiosks at once).  Remember, you will need to purchase a license of KioWare Server and install it on your server for all this to work.  Or, if you do not want the hassles of managing your own server, you can subscribe to the KioCloud, connect your kiosk/computer to it, and let us do all the work for you (for more information on KioWare Server or KioCloud, visit the KioWare website or email KioWare Sales).
What is pinch zoom?Pinch zoom is a feature of touchscreens that lets you change the zoom of your screen.  Generally, you place your thumb and forefinger on a touchscreen and move them together to zoom out (decrease size) or move them apart to zoom in (increase size).  Use the “Disable Pinch Zoom” checkbox to set if users can or cannot use pinch zoom on a touchscreen that is connected to a kiosk/computer running KioWare.
What is a user agent?It is a string (sequence of characters) that helps identify which browser is being used, what version, and details about your system such as operating system and version.  When you open a web page, your browser sends the user agent to the web server that is hosting this web page.  The web server uses this data to show you content that will best suit your browser.  (And when your browser is happy, web pages display their best!)  For applications that need to tell the difference between a user running a normal browser and a user running KioWare, the user agent includes “KioWare” along with the KioWare version number.  Other identifying text can be added to the user agent by entering it into the “Additional User Agent Data” box.
I have two kiosks, and I would like to be able to recognize each one separately online.  Is there a way to customize the browser user-agent string to help me identify each kiosk?On each kiosk, install a separate license of KioWare and use the “Additional User Agent Data” box to enter unique identifiers.
What are Event Logs, and how do I find them?To help troubleshoot problems with MS Windows or applications running with MS Windows, Event Logs are created.  Event Logs can contain informational messages or details about warnings and errors.  Windows stores different types of Event Logs, such as for your applications, security, setup, and system.  When errors occur with KioWare, only Application Event Logs are created.  The “Log Script Errors” and “Log Blocked Matches” settings tell KioWare if it should or should not create Event Logs for script errors and attempts to visit web pages whose popups are blocked.  To view Windows Application Event Logs, select the Windows “Start” button, search for and open “Event Viewer”, and select “Windows Logs”, “Application”.  (For details on Event Logs and how to show them from KioWare, see Configuration Tool, Related Terms and Questions.  For details on Event Logs relating to KioWare Server, see Kiosk Management Tab, Related Terms and Questions.)
What is geolocation?It is a wireless method of finding the geographical location of an item, such as a computer or mobile device.  With geolocation, digital information that is carried through a wireless Internet network is associated with a geographical location.  This digital information can include an IP address of a computer or mobile device, Wi-Fi connection location, or global positioning system (GPS) coordinates.  In KioWare, you can set the geolocation feature to use geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude, and even altitude) by selecting the “Fixed Location” option and entering the coordinates and accuracy levels for detecting them.  Or, you can use the Google Maps service (see below) to locate positions for you (select “Google Maps API” option and enter your Google client ID, client secret, and API key; see below).  You can also turn off the geolocation feature by selecting the “Disabled” option.
What is Google Maps and how does it work with KioWare?Google Maps is a web-based service that shows you maps, geographical coordinates, and other data about a specific location or region.  You have probably visited a website of a business that showed you a small map of how to get there.  Most likely, this map was created by Google Maps and pulled into the website.  Google Maps offers an application programming interface (API) that can not only set up maps like this on web pages but can also turn on a geolocation feature (see above).  In KioWare, when you select the “Google Maps API” option and enter your Google client ID, client secret (see below), and API key (see below), you can make this geolocation feature run with the KioWare browser.  It will automatically detect the location of the kiosk or computer that is running KioWare.
What is a client secret?It is a unique ID number that Google gives to users who want to do custom programming or websites using Google's application programming interface (API).  The client secret is separate from the normal Client ID that Google gives out to programmers, and generally the client ID, client secret, and API key (see below) are issued when you register a custom programming project with Google.  In KioWare, all three of these must be entered to use Google Maps (see above) for geolocation (see above).
What is an API key?An Application Programming Interface (API) key is a unique code that a computer program or website submits to an API that it is “talking” with.  This code tells the API that the computer program or website has been given prior permission to “talk” with it, and that contact is not being made by an unwanted user that might hack into or abuse the API's features.  Google Maps requires that its API users register their custom programming or website projects with Google, and then Google gives them an API key to use when logging into its API.  To use Google Maps with KioWare, you must first select the “Google Maps API” option and then enter your API key (as well as client ID and client secret; see above).
What do I enter into the text and background color settings for the media capture window?Enter a specific hex color value (e.g., #8B0000) or color name (e.g., red).