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KioWare Basic for Android

KioWare Basic for Android is kiosk mode software designed to lock down Android devices. The software provides OS, home screen, browser, and app lockdown for Android devices, as well as support for card readers, NFC devices and third party add-ins.

for Android

KioWare Basic for Android - Android Kiosk Software

KioWare Basic for Android Features

Protect the Home Screen/Launcher
It is critical to prevent the user from accessing the Home Screen (the Android equivalent to the Desktop) and App Launcher. KioWare for Android products only allow your specified applications to run, preventing the user from executing, downloading or installing any other applications.

KioWare can also be configured to allow 3rd party Android apps to run. However, we recommend only doing so with an app that you have created, as KioWare cannot lock down the access that the app may provide. For instance, if utilizing a 3rd party app that links out to a particular website, KioWare cannot prevent the app from accessing that website. At a minimum, you need to thoroughly test the 3rd party Android app.

Browser Lockdown
Through allow or revoke lists, KioWare for Android products limit the user to only the domains or pages you choose. In addition, if displaying internet web pages, links such as mailto tags or file downloads can be blocked.

Limit Android Apps
Similarly to how KioWare locks down the browser, it also allows you to control which Androids Apps a user can run.

Browser Resetting
Once the user has finished and left the device, all traces of the user's previous browser session are removed by automatically clearing cookies and cache and returning to the start page.

Security Audit
This tool flags configuration settings that pose a security risk so you can opt to change them. Some examples of configuration settings that would be flagged are power down enabled and KioWare quickboot disabled.

External Device Support
KioWare for Android supports many different devices. This includes support for the onboard camera, MagTek uDynamo, MagTek BulleT, MagTek Dynamag, OPN barcode scanners, keyboard wedges, SPP bluetooth devices, Star Micronics printers, and even Google's Chromecast.

Camera Support
Allows for saving of images, front or back camera photo options, camera timer, button branding options, multiple save to options, and more.

NFC Support
Enables you to communicate with NFC tags using the built in NFC reader.

Add-ins Support
You can create your own third party client add-ins to work within KioWare. Includes support for tabbed browsing.  Or we can develop one for you. Contact us about custom development.

Download the free trial to determine if KioWare Basic for Android is right for your project. The trial is unlimited with a trial-mode reminder.


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Learn about KioWare Lite
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Learn about KioWare Full

KioWare Basic [Android] $175
KioWare Basic Annual Support [Android] $35