KioWare Version History

KioWare Server / Kioware Server ASP
6.0 Jun-2024 Updated code base from .Net 6 to .Net 8

This change enhances both security and performance of the KioWare Server & KioCloud.

KioWare License Server integrated into KioCloud

Licenses that use KioWare License Server, a license type that allows flexible licensing windows, can now be managed via KioCloud.

Added ability for KioWare Full to auto assign to a group

KioWare Full will have the ability to be auto-assigned to a specified kiosk management group.

Expiration date for Server Commands created by Triggers & Actions

Server Commands created by Triggers & Actions can now be set to expire by a certain date or after a specified amount of time.

Various Bug Fixes

A variety of other fixes and performance improvements, including optimizations to Reports.

5.4 Feb-2024 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Ability to require MFA for users added.

Kiosk License Status

Additional report for Kiosk License Status.

Usage Stats Data

A new API created to download raw usage stats data.

KioWare Server Console Support

Support for renaming kiosks from KioWare Server Console.

Password Resets

Added ability to do password resets through SMS.

Support for KioWare OS

Support for KioWare OS server commands.

Linux Compatibility

Ability to run CreateDB in Linux so that all of KioWare Server can be created and run in a Linux docker container.

Various Bug Fixes

A variety of other improvements and bug fixes.

5.3 Oct-2023 Integrated Windows Authentication

Users can now login to KioWare Server using Windows or Active Directory credentials. This is exclusive to local instances and not available for KioCloud.

Console Improvements

Several console improvements were made including the ability to set default geolocation data and the ability to add a description in kiosk naming.

Screenshot Support

Improved default values and safety checks for incoming screenshots were added. Associated Kiosks have been added to the Screenshot Report Page.

Out of Service Mode

Added capability to put KioWare into and out of ''Out of Service Mode'' via a Server Command.

CreateDB Improvements

CreateDB can now be run on Linux in "command line" mode.

Various Bug Fixes

A variety of other improvements and bug fixes.

5.2 Jun-2023 New Report Features

Checkboxes added to filter server command history by command status.

New Admin Features

Site admins/server admins can choose whether site users are able to change their own username/email.

New Notification Viewer Screen

Server admin screen added that shows all notifications including the ability to delete them.

Default Trigger

Default trigger added to new sites that automatically sets kiosks to error if they miss a heartbeat.

Export Reports as .xlsx Format

Reports can now be downloaded as Excel files instead of just JSON.

New User Management

Updated introduction email and workflow to aid new user password generation and general understanding.

Site Admins Can Add Users to Site by Email

New user will automatically be added to the site if they exist on the server, otherwise they will get a welcome email to sign up.

Regex Match

Ability to manually import kiosks into groups using Regex match.

Rename Report Titles

Can now rename the report titles and descriptions using environment variables.

Kiosk Monitoring Improvements

New monitored device to see licensing info and new triggers based on licensing details. Supported client version required.

Updated Triggers and Actions

Ability to add triggers and actions based on heartbeat details.

Additional Heartbeat Information

OS name, OS version, Device type, PagesPrintedSinceBoot, PagesPrintedThisSession, and TotalPagesPrinted are now included in heartbeat details. Supported client version required.

Various Bug Fixes

A large number of performance and query improvements as well as numerous bug fixes.

5.1 Jun-2022 KioWare Server Improvements

Includes many UI optimizations that substantially improve page display speed and streamline user tasks. Additionally, an update to administrative email generation enhances inbox organization.

Migration Tool: Added Support for Stats Sessions and Pages Migration

The Migration Tool now supports importing of session and page user statistics.

Fix for Content Packages Save Bug

Fixed permission error that could cause saving content packages to fail when a group or kiosk is added.

Other Bug Fixes and Improvements

Made fixes and improvements to a variety of other smaller parts of KWS.

5.0 Feb-2022 KioWare Server 5.0: A Complete Rewrite
  • Uses .Net 5 to be cross platform compatible for both Windows and Linux
  • Designed from the ground up to be efficient and scalable by leveraging Redis for advanced caching and inter-process communication as well as WebSocket technology for real time communication with kiosks

Database Update
  • Microsoft SQL Server database support continues
  • PostgreSQL has replaced MySQL as an open-source database solution

Significantly Improved UX
  • Goal is to minimize clicks required to access useful information
  • Includes a powerful search tool
  • Fully responsive, so completely functional on a mobile device

Functionality improved at every level; most notably are these four major improvements:
  • Content management now enables alpha and beta versions to easily be pushed to test devices before releasing final content into production.
  • KioWare configuration changes can now be pushed from the KioWare Configuration Tool directly to KioWare Server and automatically out to associated kiosks.
  • Remote monitoring and management is significantly improved with our new Triggers and Actions feature.  It enables a variety of events (ex, device errors, missed heartbeats, event logs, etc) to trigger an unlimited number of actions (change status, send emails/texts, send a server command or execute a custom webhook).  The goal is to enable the automatic handling of events to minimize downtime, and in some cases automatically fix the problem.
  • Support for MS and Google SSO and Two Factor Authentication

4.12 Nov-2019 Add KioWare OS Support

KioWare Server 4.12 has added support for our upcoming product: KioWare OS. Once released, KioWare OS will have full compatibility with KioWare Server and vice versa. Click here to learn more about KioWare OS.

Fix for Content Revision Downloads Freezing

Previously, content updates that had been aborted due to the target kiosk being shut down or going offline left a 'Cancel' button exposed on the Kiosk History report in the KioWare Server console. If this button was clicked after the kiosk had aborted the update, the Kiosk History report would perpetually show the status of the content update as ''Cancel Pending''. This issue has been resolved.

4.11 May-2019 Accepts and tracks the progress of an update via KioWare Full for Windows

KioWare can now track and send update progress (percentage of total) to KioWare Kiosk Management tools.

4.10 Mar-2019 Update to push communication method

Google has announced that they are deprecating Google Cloud Messaging in favor of Firebase Cloud Messaging. This update will allow KioWare Kiosk Management tools to continue serving push communications without interruption. People using push notifications in Android will need to upgrade to KioWare Server 4.10 before April 11, 2019.

4.9.9 Dec-2018 Omron Usage Stats Report

A new report has been added to show demographic data from Omron as usage statistics.

Support for newer versions of MySQL, MyODBC drivers

Support has been added for MySQL 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 as well as MyODBC Connectors newer than 5.2.

Various bug and security fixes

Bug fixes and security improvements to improve performance and security.

4.9.6 Nov-2017 Update to MTBF reports to include Client Managed Serial Numbers

Client managed serial numbers in the MTBF feature are now supported.

Various bug fixes

Numerous bug fixes and minor updates.

4.9.1 Jun-2016 Remote Wiping & Resetting

KioWare Kiosk Management now allows for remote wiping and resetting of an Android device.

Rebooting Samsung Device

KioWare Server now supports rebooting a Samsung device via server command.

Updating Android Content

KioWare supports installing APKs on Samsung devices via a content update. This allows for remote application installations and updates via KioWare Kiosk Management.

4.9.0 Dec-2015 User Interface Redesign

The existing KioWare Server user interface has been updated with new colors, styles, and layouts to improve the customer experience.

Various Bug Fixes

4.8.6 Jul-2015 Support for KioWare for Windows version 8.0

4.8.4 Sep-2014 Support for KioWare Full for Android Push Communication

Server commands can now be pushed to Android devices in real time. This feature makes use of Google Play Services for push communication.

4.8.3 Dec-2013 Automated Email Notification

Server Email Notification provides users the option to send an automated email when new kiosks are created on the server.

Computer Naming Option

This update allows KioWare Server users to identify kiosks by name rather than IP address. This option is only available using a Local Area Network.

User Password Change Console Support

Support is now available in the console for disabling user password changes.

4.8.1 Jul-2013 Select kiosks with no heartbeat for deletion

Modify the multi-kiosk delete page to allow easily deleting those without heartbeats.

Load Recommended Dialog Management

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can download the latest dialog/window blocking list.

Kiosk Project History Tracking Table

Shows the history of each kiosk in the project, including updates to kiosk name, project name, unit name, and revisions for current and download releases. Changes appear in red.

Add-in Integration for Console Login Process

Provides a module that can be incorporated into a KioWare Server Add-On application to authenticate to Active Directory and provide a user token, rather than the console doing the authentication against the KioWare Server database.

Support for new ODBC drivers

Support has been added for the following drivers:

  • MySQL ODBC Connector 5.2w
  • MySQL ODBC Connector 5.2a

4.8.0 Dec-2012 Application Log

Custom application logs can be uploaded to KioWare Server and queried using the KioWare Server Console.

More Efficient Server Communication

All server communication uses a smaller and more efficient XML format. Much less bandwidth is required, so communication occurs quicker and bogs down networks and servers less.

Content Updating Improvements

Zip files can now be downloaded to the KioWare client and automatically unzipped.

Mean Time Between Failure Tracking

KioWare Server can now change the kiosk status when the total runtime on kiosk hardware components reaches a defined limit.

Accommodation for Kiosk Sleep Time

KioWare Server can be configured to not issue missed heartbeat alerts when a kiosk is known to be powered down.

New KioWare Server Reports
  • New feature for Kiosk Usage Chart: a line chart comparing either page count, session count or session time across multiple kiosks. This allows you to compare two kiosks side by side.
  • New Report: Kiosk Uptime Chart is a bar graph that compares uptime averaged daily, weekly or monthly across multiple kiosks.

4.7.1 Feb-2012 Kiosk Usage Overview Report

A new report that displays a list of all kiosks and their session and page count for a specified date range.

4.7.0 Jan-2012 Active Kiosk Report

A report that provides a snapshot of how many kiosks are actively communicating with KioWare Server.

MyODBC 5.1

Support for MySQL MyODBC 5.1 ODBC driver

4.6.2 Mar-2011 Ability to Ignore Old Revisions in Content Updating

By default, if KioWare Server notes that a kiosk is several revisions out of date, then the content updating will contain all old revisions.  Now, there is an option to tell KioWare Server to only send the more recent revision.

KioWare Server Controlled Command Schedule

From KioWare Server Console, the time interval that kiosks check for new server commands can be specified and set to as short as 1 minute intervals.

New Bandwidth Reducing XML Communication Format

To minimize bandwidth, the XML format used by KioWare to communicate with KioWare Server has been substantially reduced.  This will be especially useful for cellular communications with fixed bandwidth limits and enterprise deployments.

New Screen Capture Server Command

A new KioWare Server Command has been added that tells KioWare to take a screen snapshot and send the image to KioWare Server.

Resume Download for Content Updating

During KioWare Server Content Updating, if a file's download is interrupted, then the download will resume from the point of interruption rather than needing to re-download the entire file again.

4.5.4 Mar-2010 Ability to add custom Server Commands
Previously Server commands, which tell the kiosk to complete a task from a batch file, were set from a fixed menu list, which included shut down kiosk, reboot, and restart KioWare. Now you can create custom commands in addition to the fixed list. For example, you could create a Server command to tell the kiosk to run its virus software.

Ability to filter domains/pages for Usage Stats reports
You now have the ability to add categories in the Usage Stats reports. This enables you to view only the pages or domains listed in that category, instead of all pages or domains viewed by your users. For example, if you want to view only the usage reports for a rewards program you may be running, you can set those pages or domains as a particular category.

Expansion of Server Journal Entries to every level (including Site, Group, Kiosk and Project)
This feature allows you to add notes to the different levels of your kiosk project (including Site, Group, Kiosk and Project). Prior to this, notes were only available at the kiosk level. But now if you want to make a note that pertains to a group of kiosks located at a particular store number or in the west wing of your building, you can.

Additional support for seamless integration of remote management software
We have expanded our capabilities to use multiple remote management software within the same kiosk site. For example you can use Log Me In and VNC within the same site, so that if you prefer one to the other in some of the kiosk locations or are fazing one out, KioWare won’t hinder you from using either. 

4.3.0 Oct-2008 KWS email alert status scalability

Email notifications/status/alert configuration is now scalable to the project, group, and site level.

Support for 64-bit server

Offering access to more virtual and physical memory, 64-bit processors are quickly becoming the standard; KioWare now supports this server platform.

4.1 Apr-2008 Report Graphing

Added graphical reports for usage and heartbeat reporting

CSV Exporting from Reports

Added ability to export report data to a CSV file

User Journal Feature

Ability for a user to create a journal of comments for each kiosk. User has the option for comments to be public to all users who have access to that kiosk, or be private only to that user.

Automated Database Administration Tools

New feature that will automatically delete different classes of data at specified timer intervals. For example, event logs older than six months can be automatically deleted.

Kiosk File Audit Feature

Ability to create a list of files, including their checksums, on a kiosk that KioWare will check to make sure the file exists and isn't corrupt.


4.0 Nov-2007 Flexible User Accounts

It is very easy to limit what your users can log on and see. Completely flexible user accounts, roles and permissions control user abilities at a functional level.

Improved Content Updating

Simplified client content updating procedures that include application files, KioWare updates and OS updates. To support cellular networks, content transfer now checks for file truncation and corruption errors.

Improved Remote Mangement

Ability to reboot or shutdown the computer, as well as restart KioWare remotely from the KioWare Server Console.

Ad Hoc Grouping of Kiosks

This feature enables ad hoc grouping, meaning kiosk projects can be sorted into groups beyond the project level. Groups can contain other groups, projects or individual kiosks. For instance, a company may have its kiosk projects organized by territories for easy categorization. With ad hoc grouping, a company can also sort those same projects by an unlimited number of groups, such as high performing versus low performing stores or urban versus suburban stores, and then push out different content based on those groups. This way, the company can easily display a different promotion to urban stores than suburban stores.

The addition of ad hoc data structures is useful for storing custom data about each kiosk (ex, hardware, location, contact info), which can be imported from a spreadsheet.

Ad Hoc Data Structures

Addition of ad hoc data structures useful for storing custom data about each kiosk (ex, hardware, location, contact info). Data can be imported from a spreadsheet.

Support for 3rd Party Add-ins

Added infrastructure to support 3rd party add-ins, such as our first add-in: a mapping module that enables the overlay of kiosk status onto a variety of maps.

KioWare Server API Made Public

The KioWare Server API is now available for 3rd party developers to create new add-ins, or for clients to create their own branded version of KioWare Server

KioWare ASP Released

KioWare Server ASP is designed to support enterprise and Application Service Providers (ASP) installations. KioWare Server ASP provides for an additional Site data layer that enables kiosks to be organized at a higher level than in regular KioWare Server.

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